Sleep Quiz

Our Sleep Quiz is designed to help those who are having trouble sleeping determine the severity of their sleep disorder. Our 16 short sleep-health related questions help determine if you will benefit from an evaluation by a sleep physician.

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welcome to Somnique

"People struggling with sleep issues need to feel comfortable, secure and cared for. The best way to ensure that happened was to build my own sleep center where I could provide this care in a comfortable, secure setting."

Dr. Vivek Dogra loves exploring new destinations and traveling with his wife and two daughters. He enjoys all kinds of music, watching sports especially cricket, football and soccer and playing tennis with his daughter. Over the weekends, he can be found grilling burgers and sausages from scratch.
why choose us

First we listen to you. Carefully. Then we treat you. Effectively.

Our mission at Somnique is to enhance the quality of life for our patients by providing personalized, compassionate care and the most advanced, comprehensive treatment for the full range of sleep disorders. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can change your waking – as well as your sleeping – hours.
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Learn about some of our diagnostic & treatment options.
This is an appointment with a Board-certified sleep doctor during which the physician will take a detailed history of your sleep problems, review your medication, take your family history and perform a brief physical examination to determine what the best treatment option is for you. If the doctor feels an overnight sleep study would help determine the sleep problem, we will work with your schedule to arrange a sleep study at our sleep lab.

A polysomnogram is a common overnight sleep test that physicians often prescribe to patients with sleep disorders. The polysomnogram measures and records brain activity, eye movements, muscle activity, respiratory airflow, and heart rhythm during sleep, all important information that helps the physician diagnose and treat sleep disorders.

If the diagnostic study shows that you have sleep apnea, you may then be scheduled for a CPAP Titration Study. This helps determine the effective pressure required on a CPAP machine to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea. Sometimes this test is done on current CPAP users to ensure they are on adequate pressure and being effectively treated.

This is ideal for patients who are struggling with their CPAP usage either because they are not tolerating the CPAP or they are taking it off in the middle of the night. The testing is done during the day to troubleshoot pressure and mask-leak issues. Patients who are comfortable with their CPAP are more likely to use it as directed.

This is a daytime nap study which determines how sleepy you are by measuring how long it takes you to fall asleep and how soon you start dreaming. The test is performed after an overnight sleep study and is used to rule out narcolepsy.


Sleep Study Questions

We have answers to common questions people ask.

A sleep study is a painless evaluation of your sleep patterns. While you sleep in a comfortable bed in our sleep lab, we monitor your brain waves, eye movements, breathing patterns, oxygen levels, snoring, muscle tone, leg movements and heart rate. That information helps us determine if you have a sleep disorder and if we can help you sleep better.

Yes. Your sleep technician will apply sensors or electrodes to monitor the activities that take place in your body and brain during sleep. Elastic belts are placed around your chest and abdomen to measure your breathing. A sensor is also placed on your finger or earlobe to monitor the level of oxygen in your blood and heart rate.

Your sleep technician will adjust everything to make you as comfortable as possible; most people quickly get used to the sensors and sleep reasonably well. Be sure to ask your sleep physician in advance if you have specific concerns about this.

No. This is a painless and non-invasive testing procedure. Paste is applied to your skin and scalp to keep the electrodes in place, but it is easily removed with soap and warm water.

Our rooms are not like hospital rooms; they are cozy and comfortable. Most people do not have any trouble falling asleep. Your sleep doctor can discuss sleep aids with you if they are needed. But if you are nervous, come visit us! A tour of our facility will make you more